Stress is something we all face on a regular basis. How we respond to the daily stress is significant. Stress causes changes in our body chemistry, releasing “stress” hormones. Release of these hormones assists us with fight or flight if we are facing danger. Most of the stress we face these days is low level, chronic, nagging stress which can fuel negative emotions. This can lead to anxiety, anger, frustration and/ or depression. Ultimately this affects our health. Finding ways to deal with stress that keep us from going down that path is the key. Techniques to avert stress can be as simple as breathing exercises. The next time you are faced with a stressful situation take a timeout to do the following exercise:
- Take slow, deep inhalation to the count of 5 and slow exhalation to the count of 5.
- Repeat this process 5 times comfortably and then see how you feel.
- This should help to slow your heart rate and allow you to think more clearly, preventing a downward spiral.